The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Title:The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Rigs:Property of Animation Mentor
Creation date:Januari 2013
Texturing:Texturing was part of the downloaded models and rigs
Lighting:Lighting was done by me
Animation:All animation was done by me
  • Office Desk from Turbosquid
  • Laptop from Turbosquid
  • Plant from Turbosquid
  • Chair from creativecrash
Sounds:The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 1947 with Danny Kaye

I always loved movies of Danny Kaye and I used to watch them with my older sister. My favorite one is "The Five Pennies", but I also loved this one. It's a movie that was almost forgotten if it weren't for the 2013 remake of Ben Stiller.

In this animation, I used an audio clip from the movie and replaced it with a scene of myself. Below is the original, along with my scene. 

Based on the audio clip, I had a kind of police office in mind where a detective would be saying Danny's lines towards an off screen character. Below is a tryout of matching the facial expression in the video reference to the rig:

Here's an old version of the animation, which still contained a different ending where the character only made some eye darts in reaction to the response of the off screen character. In a later stage, this was changed where the character dropped his arms and looked away in disbelieve to communicate the message way better than before.

And here is the final result of the animation.

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